Brian Klaas
Associate Professor of Global Politics at University College London
Associate Professor of Global Politics at University College London, Contributing Writer for The Atlantic, author of Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us, and Creator/Host of the award-winning Power Corrupts podcast.
Why most billionaires aren’t geniuses and most geniuses aren’t billionaires, explained by political scientist Brian Klaas.
6 min
“Only a narcissist would want to become president.” This is the psychology of an authoritarian unpacked.
11 min
University College London professor Brian Klaas exposes the ugly truth about world leaders.
6 min
Why do the worst people rise to power? University College London professor Brian Klaas responds.
6 min
Why we keep giving power to the wrong people, according to political scientist and associate professor Brian Klaas.
9 min